Clean Energy Investments
SJI strives to deliver safe, reliable, and affordable energy for a better today and tomorrow.
In addition to the carbon reduction strategies and initiatives outlined in the ESG Report, SJI has prioritized renewable and cleaner energy development through the non-utility subsidiary SJI Renewable Energy Ventures. These strategic investments have accelerated the deployment of renewable energy.
Projects and technologies include:

• Catamaran Renewables, currently operates several fuel cell projects producing 12.5 megawatts of electricity. Catamaran is also evaluating other fuel cell opportunities in the Northeast.

• SJI’s clean energy development subsidiary SJI Renewable Energy Ventures, in partnership with energy logistics and development expert REV LNG LLC, expanded its renewable natural gas portfolio at large dairy farms throughout the United States with early development of more than 20 projects. These projects support approximately 2.7M MMBtu of RNG Production and will enter commissioning phases throughout 2023 and 2024, with additional projects anticipated to enter the construction phase during the period.
• Marina Energy expanded on its commitment to reduce emissions by adding four on-site net metered solar locations, bringing the total installed capacity of the solar portfolio to 4.2 MW. These additional solar projects at both South Jersey Gas and Elizabethtown Gas facilities, as well as SJI’s Corporate office have reduced the company’s overall carbon footprint.

• In addition to the projects at SJIEE, South Jersey Gas continued the design and construction of a green hydrogen project at the South Jersey Gas New Sentury Compression Station.
In addition to investments in renewable and clean energy technology, SJI continues to look for ways to incorporate energy-saving and carbon-reducing practices at every level of its operations. With more than 240 compressed natural gas vehicles in SJI’s fleet, the company continues its efforts to support the expansion of the fueling station infrastructure to make the conversion to compressed natural gas (CNG) possible for more businesses and vehicle fleets.
South Jersey Gas and Elizabethtown Gas are making efforts to displace natural gas in company-owned and operated CNG stations with renewable natural gas (RNG). Renewable natural gas (RNG) is a clean, sustainable fuel made from renewable methane.
SJI is also committed to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint by consuming less energy through the use of energy efficiency programs. In April of 2021, South Jersey Gas and Elizabethtown Gas were approved for their largest Energy Efficiency Programs to date, totaling $216 million. This allows SJG and ETG to make investments in our customers, our environment and actively contribute to the state’s climate priorities through June 2024.